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Pierwsze spotkanie projektowe

Workshop venue:  Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Miejsce: Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa, Polska

The main aim of the workshop is detailed planning of the project work. In a result  we hope that all of the tasks and responsible individuals are outlined for each of the work packages during the meeting.

Głównym celem spotkania w Warszawie było szczegółowe zaplanowanie harmonogramu pracy.


 2nd meeting 20 -21 of January 2015

Drugie spotkanie projektowe

Workshop venue: the Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate (NWE), Oslo, Norway

Miejsce: Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate (NVE), Oslo, Norwegia



Trzecie spotkanie projektowe: spotkanie CHASE-CHIHE 


Workshop venue: Agricultural University Warsaw, Poland


Miejsce: SGGW, Warszawa

The rationale for this meeting is to give the scientists working in two independent Polish-Norwegian projects a chance to get acquainted with the so far results and plans of each project. Exchange of information is absolutely necessary, so that redundancy is avoided.

Spotkanie to miało na celu zapoznanie się z pracami prowadzonymi niezależnie w dwóch projektach polsko-norweskich, CHASE i CHIHE


Czwarte spotkanie projektowe

Workshop venue:  Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Miejsce: Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa, Polska.










Impacts of climatic and environmental changes on catchment hydrology.

Convener: Axel Anderson  

Co-Conveners: Ilja van Meerveld , Faye Hirshfield , Renata Romanowicz , Mikolaj Piniewski , Hege Hisdal , Martijn Booij 

Orals / Fri, 22 Apr, 13:30–17:00 / Room C

Posters / Attendance Fri, 22 Apr, 10:30–12:00 / Hall A



School of hydrology, Jabłonna, Poland 14.05.2016